Americademy is a licensed international academy officially registered in the United States – California under the number 4731795. We provide post-graduate studies, professional diplomas and training courses through distance education. We have also built an electronic platform where anyone from anywhere in the world can acquire scientific and professional information, skills and expertise and use it in their field of work as well as help them obtain certified certificates from the US Department of State and International Embassies.

Professional Postgraduate studies System/Master-Diploma

Ameriademy offers the most powerful distance learning and accreditation programs in the Arab world for professional postgraduate studies (professional master/ PhD), with the possibility of being approved by the US Department of State and by the US Embassy in the United States. The purpose is to provide students with access to high quality professional degrees anywhere in the world. These studies are supervised by a number of professional and highly experienced specialists and consultants in local and international institutions.

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The American Fellowship Program

The American Fellowship Program is a free service program offered by the Americademy to all its members and accredited institutions in any of its programs. The program’s purpose is to strengthen the continuous and effective communication between the management of the Academy and the members.

Translation services

The Academy has a network of highly qualified certified translators with several years of experience. The purpose is to provide the best quality translation to the customers who choose one of our translation services, taking into consideration the quality and prices suitable for customers and companies.

Our courses

The American Academy offers its Certified Trainers the opportunity for their own training packages to be accredited by the Academy and published on its official website. The academy will also make sure to give credits to the trainer/trainers who worked on the making of the package.

Our goals/ We want to

  • Raise the academy’s levels of professional education according to the international quality standards.
  • Strengthen the relations of partnership and cooperation with the local, regional and international institutions.
  • Introduce new professional educational systems and methods according to the international standards.
  • Develop the scientific studies and research and make it active in achieving sustainable development.

Our Vision and Mission

We are a leading professional learning academy providing international knowledge to bring about a comprehensive global community renaissance. We are hoping to help people from anywhere around the world develop themselves and transform their careers to the best by giving them access to graduate studies without the hassle of traveling abroad. All of this will be done according to a professional international education curriculum, using the latest technologies and innovative methods, and in the highest quality possible.




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